Going modular with lists
In this section, the tutorial tackles a common pattern that significantly increases the complexity of a codebase: the need to deal with lists and rules applying to each element of the list. Here, Catala reuses all the common tricks and patterns from functional programming to elegantly structure the code while performing expressive operations on lists.
This section of the tutorial is quite challenging and involves some complexity in the example. This complexity is necessary to illustrate how the features of Catala scale to real-world legal texts that involve complex features. We encourage the reader to persevere in their study of this section, and to ask any question on the online Catala community chat.
Recap of the previous section
Recap of the previous section
This section of the tutorial builds up on the previous one, and will reuse the same running example, but all the Catala code necessary to execute the example is included below for reference.
declaration structure Individual:
data income content money
data number_of_children content integer
declaration scope IncomeTaxComputation:
input current_date content date
input individual content Individual
input overseas_territories content boolean
internal tax_rate content decimal
output income_tax content money
## Article 1
The income tax for an individual is defined as a fixed percentage of the
individual's income over a year.
scope IncomeTaxComputation:
definition income_tax equals
individual.income * tax_rate
## Article 2 (old version before 2000)
The fixed percentage mentioned at article 1 is equal to 20 %.
scope IncomeTaxComputation:
label article_2
definition tax_rate under condition
current_date < |2000-01-01|
consequence equals 20%
## Article 2 (new version after 2000)
The fixed percentage mentioned at article 1 is equal to 21 % %.
scope IncomeTaxComputation:
# Simply use the same label "article_2" as the previous definition to group
# them together
label article_2
definition tax_rate under condition
current_date >= |2000-01-01|
consequence equals 21%
## Article 3
If the individual is in charge of 2 or more children, then the fixed
percentage mentioned at article 1 is equal to 15 %.
scope IncomeTaxComputation:
label article_3 exception article_2
definition tax_rate under condition
individual.number_of_children >= 2
consequence equals 15%
## Article 4
Individuals earning less than $10,000 are exempted of the income tax mentioned
at article 1.
scope IncomeTaxComputation:
label article_4 exception article_3
definition tax_rate under condition
individual.income <= $10,000
consequence equals 0%
## Article 5
Individuals earning more than $100,000 are subjects to a tax rate of
30%, regardless of their number of children.
scope IncomeTaxComputation:
label article_5 exception article_3
definition tax_rate under condition
individual.income > $100,000
consequence equals 30%
## Article 6
In the overseas territories, the tax rate for individuals earning
more than $100,000 specified at article 5 is reduced to 25 %.
scope IncomeTaxComputation:
label article_6 exception article_5
definition tax_rate under condition
individual.income > $100,000 and overseas_territories
consequence equals 25%
## Test
declaration scope Test:
output computation content IncomeTaxComputation
scope Test:
definition computation equals
output of IncomeTaxComputation with {
-- individual:
Individual {
-- income: $20,000
-- number_of_children: 0
-- overseas_territories: false
-- current_date: |1999-01-01|
Making a household from a list of invidivuals
Previously, the Catala Tutorial Tax Code (CTTC) has defined an income tax for each individual and their children. But now, the CTTC is becoming greedier as a new, separate tax similar to Thatcher's infamous poll tax. At its inception, the household tax is such that each individual in a household is taxed a fixed sum, with a reduced rate for the children:
When several individuals live together, they are collectively subject to the household tax. The household tax owed is $10,000 per individual of the household, and half the amount per children.
Now, implementing this in Catala requires going beyond the
scope that we used earlier. Indeed, this new tax requires
a new scope, HouseholdTaxComputation
! While it is fairly evident that the
of this new scope should be the household_tax
, its input
is the
collection of individuals that make up the household.
Fortunately, Catala has a built-in type for collection of things, called list
even though it behaves more like an array in traditionnal Computer Science
declaration scope HouseholdTaxComputation:
# The syntax "list of <X>" designates the type whose values are lists of
# elements with type <X>.
input individuals content list of Individual
output household_tax content money
To define household_tax
, we must now:
- count the number of individuals in
; - count the number of children in each individual and add these counts together;
- multiply these counts by the right amount of tax.
We will perform each one of these steps in the body of the definition
, in the scope HouseholdTaxComputation
, using local
When a variable definition gets complex like above, it is often useful to separate each step by defining intermediate variables. There are two ways of doing that.
First, you can declare inside the scope declaration an extra scope variable
with the label internal
instead of input
or output
, as seen in
the first section of the tutorial.
Second, if you are confident that you will only need the intermediate variable in the narrow context of a single scope variable definition, you can use a local variable inside the definition of the scope variable. These local variables are introduced and used with the following syntax:
# The following line defines local variable "x" as begin equal to 4 * 5
let x equals 4 * 5 in
# We can then use "x" after the "in" keyword in the rest of the code
x + 2
For step 1, we simply need to get the lenght of the list individuals
, which
can be done through the syntax number of individuals
(the syntax for all list
operations can be found in the syntax sheat cheet
or in the language reference). For step 2, we
need to aggregate the number of children for all individuals, which can be done
through the syntax sum integer of individual.number_of_children for individual among individuals
. Notice the type indication (integer
) for the sum
, which
indicates that if the list of individuals is empty, then the integer 0
be returned. Finally, we can piece steps 1 and 2 for the step 3 which computes
the amount of tax:
scope HouseholdTaxComputation:
definition household_tax equals
let number_of_individuals equals number of individuals in
let number_of_children equals
sum integer
of individual.number_of_children for individual among individuals
* (
# "number_of_individuals" is an integer, but money can only be multiplied
# by decimals: we need to explicitly cast before using the value
decimal of number_of_individuals
+ decimal of number_of_children / 2.0
This implementation of article 7 is fairly direct and concise. It does the job, but notice a subtle shift between the text of article 7 and its Catala implementation: rather than aggregating separately the contribution of each individual and their children to the household tax, we count all individuals on one side, and all children on the other side. Addition is commutative and associative so this shift yields the same result. However, not following the spirit of the law in the implementation might not be future-proof, as we'll see just below...
Refactoring to account for evolving requirements
Translating legal texts into executable code is often an emotional rollercoaster, as new requirements in later articles may completely break the invariants and structure of the implementation you used in earlier articles. Today, the Catala Tutorial Tax Code (CTTC) will be harsh on us, with the following fateful article:
The amount of income tax paid by each individual can be deducted from the share of household tax owed by this individual.
Quickly, we realize that to be able to deduct correctly the income tax for each individual, we need to first compute its individual share of the household tax, which we have not done in the implementation of article 7. Refactoring is needed!
Yes it is!
Theoretically, as Catala lets you structure the code by matching the structure of the legal text, adding new articles should not require changes in earlier blocks of code. This is the case for instance when a new article defines an exception to the base case of a variable, as we've experimented in the second section of the tutorial.
But adding exceptions is not the only things new articles can introduce. In this case, we see that article 8 makes explicit a computation step that was implicit or hidden in article 7 (namely, the computation of the share of household tax for each individual). Making this computation step explicit implies giving it a first-class status with a Catala concept (a variable, a scope, etc.), which may not have been the case in the Catala code written before. Hence, it is normal to refactor earlier code to code up the new article 8.
However, the goal of the refactoring is always to match up as precisely as possible the computation steps and the articles they are based on.
Now, there are several strategies to implement article 8, but not all are legally correct. One strategy could be to compute the total amount of income tax owed by all the individuals in the household, and substract that total amount of income tax from the the totam amount of household tax to perform the deduction. However, this strategy is incorrect, because the household tax deduction for one individual is implicitly capped by the amount of household tax due for this individual! This capping introduces a non-linearity in the formula that prevents rearranging the additions and substractions while keeping the same results in all configurations.
So, we are stuck with explicitly decomposing the household tax computation
into two steps: first, computing the share of household tax owed by each
individual, and then aggregating the result of the first step for all individuals
of the household. Naturally, the existing scope HouseholdTaxComputation
is where
the second step will happen. But where to put the first step?
As Catala is a functional programming language, we could define an internal
variable of the scope HouseholdTaxComputation
that acts as a function to associate
to each individual the share of household tax owed.
The scope declaration could be modified like this:
declaration scope HouseholdTaxComputation:
input individuals content list of Individual
internal share_household_tax content money
# The following line introduces a parameter to the variable, turning
# it into a function. "individual" is set as the name of the parameter,
# a name that is then enforced everywhere in the function definitions.
# Indeed, lawyers reading Catala code have trouble with function parameters
# changing names throughout the code.
depends on individual content Individual
output household_tax content money
Then, the definition of household_tax
could be done as follows next to article 7:
scope HouseholdTaxComputation:
# The definition refers to the function parameter with "of individual"
definition share_household_tax of individual equals
$10,000 * (1.0 + decimal of individual.number_of_children / 2.0)
# To aggregate the shares, we call the function "share_household_tax"
# on all the individuals of the input.
definition household_tax equals
sum money share_household_tax of individual
for individual among individuals
This refactoring works for making explicit the computation step of the individual share of household tax in article 7, but it is not the most future-proof strategy. Indeed, as it already happened for article 8, subsequent articles are likely to introduce refinements and exceptions for this share of household tax. It is possible to have conditional definitions and exceptions for variables that are functions, but it is preferable to use a fully-fledged scopes instead. The scope is more readable by lawyers and has better convenient features to add input and output parameters, define exceptions for its local variables, etc.
Hence, we will drop the function variable share_household_tax
presented above,
and instead opt for creating a brand new scope for computing the share of household
tax owed by an individual, HouseholdTaxIndividualComputation
The missing scope : household tax computation for the individual
The new scope, HouseholdTaxIndividualComputation
, will have as input one
individual and return as a result the amount of household tax held. However,
because of article 8, the scope will also need to compute the amount of income
tax owed by the individual, to deduct it from the household tax. The call
graph between scopes will then be the following:
%%{init: {"flowchart": {"htmlLabels": true}} }%% graph TD A["`HouseholdTaxComputation`"] B["`HouseholdTaxInvidualComputation`"] C["`IncomeTaxComputation`"] A-- calls multiple times -->B B-- calls one time -->C
Hence, we will also need as input of HouseholdTaxIndividualComputation
inputs necessary for the IncomeTaxComputation
scope of the previous section
of the tutorial: overseas_territory
This gives the following scope declaration:
declaration scope HouseholdTaxIndividualComputation:
input individual content Individual
input overseas_territories content boolean
input current_date content date
output household_tax content money
Now, we know that we'll need to call IncomeTaxComputation
exactly one time to
compute the deduction for household_tax
. There is a bespoke method designed
for lawyer-readbility to do exactly that in Catala!
# The single, static sub-scope call to "IncomeTaxComputation" has to be
# declared in "HouseholdTaxIndividualComputation", so we repeat the
# scope declaration here with a new line.
declaration scope HouseholdTaxIndividualComputation:
input individual content Individual
input overseas_territories content boolean
input current_date content date
# The following line declares a static, single call to the sub-scope
# "IncomeTaxComputation" with the name "income_tax_computation".
income_tax_computation scope IncomeTaxComputation
output household_tax content money
scope HouseholdTaxIndividualComputation:
# Inside a "scope" block, we have to define the arguments to the sub-scope
# call "income_tax_computation": "individual", "overseas_territories" and
# "overseas_territories".
definition income_tax_computation.individual equals
# The "individual" given as an argument to "income_tax_computation",
# which is the call to "IncomeTaxComputation", is the same "individual"
# that is the input to "HouseholdTaxIndividualComputation".
definition income_tax_computation.overseas_territories equals
# These lines can appear totological but they are essential for plugging
# scopes to sub-scopes in an non-ambiguous way. It is implicit that we evaluate
# the income tax for deduction at the same date as we evaluate the amount of
# household tax, but this line makes it explicit. Sometimes, you might want
# to call the income tax computation at an earlier date (like "current_date
# - 5 year") because of a legal requirement, and this is where you specify
# this!
definition income_tax_computation.current_date equals
That's it, the sub-scope call has been completely set up! The result
is now accessible at income_tax_computation.income_tax
, since
"income_tax" is the output variable of the sub-scope IncomeTaxComputation
At this point, it would be easy to define household_tax
in a single sweep
inside HouseholdTaxIndividualComputation
scope HouseholdTaxIndividualComputation:
definition household_tax equals
let tax equals
$10,000 * (1.0 + decimal of individual.number_of_children / 2.0)
let deduction equals income_tax_computation.income_tax in
# Don't forget to cap the deduction!
if deduction > tax then $0 else tax - deduction
However, doing so merges together the specifications of article 7 and article 8,
which goes against the spirit of Catala to split the code in the same structure
as the legal text. So, instead of using two local variables inside the definition
of household_tax
, we want to split the formula into two distinct definition
Intuitively, this implies creating two scope variables in
, household_tax_base
(for article 7) and
(article 8). But really, this amounts to giving
two consecutive states for the variable household_tax
, and lawyers understand
the code better this way! So Catala has a feature to let you exactly that:
declaration scope HouseholdTaxIndividualComputation:
input individual content Individual
input overseas_territories content boolean
input current_date content date
income_tax_computation scope IncomeTaxComputation
output household_tax content money
# The different states for variable "household_tax" are declared here,
# in the exact order in which you expect them to be computed!
state base
state with_deduction
With our two states base
and with_deduction
, we can code up articles 7 and
Article 7
When several individuals live together, they are collectively subject to the household tax. The household tax owed is $10,000 per individual of the household, and half the amount per children.
scope HouseholdTaxIndividualComputation:
definition household_tax state base equals
$10,000 * (1.0 + decimal of individual.number_of_children / 2.0)
Article 8
The amount of income tax paid by each individual can be deducted from the share of household tax owed by this individual.
scope HouseholdTaxIndividualComputation:
definition household_tax state with_deduction equals
# Below, "household_tax" refers to the value of "household_tax" computed
# in the previous state, so here the state "base" which immediately precedes
# the state "with_deduction" in the declaration.
if income_tax_computation.income_tax > household_tax then $0
household_tax - income_tax_computation.income_tax
# It is also possible to refer to variable states explicitely with the
# syntax "household_tax state base".
Elsewhere in HouseholdTaxIndividualComputation
, using household_tax
implicitly refer to the last state of the variable (so here with_deduction
matching the usual implicit convention in legal texts.
This completes our implementation of HouseholdTaxIndividualComputation
! Its
output variable household_tax
now contains the share of household tax owed by
each individual of the household, with the correct income tax deduction.
We can now use it in the computation of the global household tax in
Linking scopes together through list mapping
We can now finish coding up article 7 by adding together each share of the
household tax owzed by all the individuals of the household. We will do
that through list aggregation, as previously, but the elements of the list to
aggregate are now the result of calling HouseholdTaxIndividualComputation
on each individual. Previously, we have showed how to call a sub-scope
statically and exactly one time. But here, this is not what we want: we want
to call the sub-scope as many times as there are individuals in the household.
We then have to use a different method for calling the sub-scope:
With all our refactorings, the declaration of the scope HouseholdTaxComputation
can be simplified (we don't need the function variable share_household_tax
declaration scope HouseholdTaxComputation:
input individuals content list of Individual
output household_tax content money
Then, the definition of household_tax
could be re-written as follows next
to article 7:
scope HouseholdTaxComputation:
definition household_tax equals
sum money
of (
# Below is the syntax for calling the sub-scope
# "HouseholdTaxIndividualComputation" dynamically, on the spot.
# after "with" is the list of inputs of the scope.
output of HouseholdTaxIndividualComputation with {
# The next three lines are tautological in this example, because
# the names of the parameters and the names of the scope variables
# are identical, but the values of the scope call parameters can be
# arbitrarily complex!
-- individual: individual # <- this last "invididual" is the map variable
-- overseas_territories: overseas_territories
-- current_date: current_date
# The construction "output of <X> with { ... }" returns a structure
# containing all the output variables of scope <X>. Hence, we access
# output variable "household_tax" of scope
# "HouseholdTaxIndividualComputation" with the field access syntax
# ".household_tax".
for individual among individuals
That's it! We've finished implementing article 7 and article 8 in a clean, extensible, future-proof fashion using a series of scopes that call each other. As an exercise, you can try implementing a new article that complexifies even more the computation:
Implementation solution for articles 7, 8 and 9
Implementation solution for articles 7, 8 and 9
declaration scope HouseholdTaxComputation:
input individuals content list of Individual
input overseas_territories content boolean
input current_date content date
internal shares_of_household_tax
# It is possible to store the structure resulting from a scope call
# (with all its output variable) into a single type. The name of this
# structure type is the name of the scope, hence the line below.
content list of HouseholdTaxIndividualComputation
internal total_deduction content money
state base
state capped
output household_tax content money
state base
state deduction
declaration scope HouseholdTaxIndividualComputation:
input individual content Individual
input overseas_territories content boolean
input current_date content date
income_tax_computation scope IncomeTaxComputation
output household_tax content money
output deduction content money
Article 7
When several individuals live together, they are collectively subject to the household tax. The household tax owed is $10,000 per individual of the household, and half the amount per children.
scope HouseholdTaxIndividualComputation:
definition household_tax equals
$10,000 * (1.0 + decimal of individual.number_of_children / 2.0)
scope HouseholdTaxComputation:
definition shares_of_household_tax equals
output of HouseholdTaxIndividualComputation with {
-- individual: individual
-- overseas_territories: overseas_territories
-- current_date: current_date
for individual among individuals
definition household_tax
state base
sum money
of share_of_household_tax.household_tax
for share_of_household_tax among shares_of_household_tax
Article 8
The amount of income tax paid by each individual can be deducted from the share of household tax owed by this individual.
scope HouseholdTaxIndividualComputation:
definition income_tax_computation.individual equals
definition income_tax_computation.overseas_territories equals
definition income_tax_computation.current_date equals
definition deduction equals
if income_tax_computation.income_tax > household_tax then household_tax
else income_tax_computation.income_tax
scope HouseholdTaxComputation:
definition total_deduction
state base
sum money
of share_of_household_tax.deduction
for share_of_household_tax among shares_of_household_tax
definition household_tax
state deduction
if total_deduction > household_tax then $0
else household_tax - total_deduction
Article 9
The deduction granted at article 8 is capped at $8,500 for the whole household.
scope HouseholdTaxComputation:
definition total_deduction
state capped
if total_deduction > $8,500 then $8,500 else total_deduction
Testing and debugging the computation
We have written quite complex code in this tutorial section, it is high time to test and debug it. Similarly to the test presented in the first tutorial section, we can declare a new test scope for the household tax computation, and execute it:
declaration scope TestHousehold:
output computation content HouseholdTaxComputation
scope TestHousehold:
definition computation equals
output of HouseholdTaxComputation with {
-- individuals:
[ Individual {
-- income: $15,000
-- number_of_children: 0
} ;
Individual {
-- income: $80,000
-- number_of_children: 2
} ]
-- overseas_territories: false
-- current_date: |1999-01-01|
catala interpret tutorial.catala_en --scope=TestHousehold
│ computation = HouseholdTaxComputation { -- household_tax: $21,500.00 }
Is the result of the test correct ? Let's see by unrolling the computation manually:
- The household tax for two individuals and two children is
2 * $10,000 + 2 * $5,000
, so $30,000; - The first individual earns more than $10,000, less than $100,000, has no children and we are before the year 2000, so the income tax rate is 20 % per article 2 and their income tax is $3,000;
- The share of household tax for the first individual is $10,000, so the deduction for the first individual is the full $3,000;
- The second individual earns more than $10,000, less than $100,000$, but has two children so the income tax rate is 15 % per article 3 and their income tax is $12,000;
- The share of household tax for the second individual is $20,000, so the deduction for the second individual is the full $12,000$;
- The total deduction is thus $15,000$, which is capped at $8,500 per article 9;
- Applying the deduction to the base household tax yields $21,500.
So far so good, the test result is correct. But it might have gotten to the
right result by taking the wrong intermediate steps, so we'll want to
inspect them. Fortunately, the Catala interpreter can print the full
computation trace for that purpose. Here is the output on the interpretation
of TestHousehold
Trace of TestHousehold
Trace of TestHousehold
$ catala interpret tutorial.catala_en --scope=TestHousehold --trace
[LOG] ☛ Definition applied:
─➤ tutorial.catala_en
│ definition computation equals
│ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
[LOG] → HouseholdTaxComputation.direct
[LOG] ≔ HouseholdTaxComputation.direct.
input: HouseholdTaxComputation_in { -- individuals_in: [Individual { -- income: $15,000.00 -- number_of_children: 0 }; Individual { -- income: $80,000.00 -- number_of_children: 2 }] -- overseas_territories_in: false -- current_date_in: 1999-01-01 }
[LOG] ☛ Definition applied:
─➤ tutorial.catala_en
│ definition shares_of_household_tax equals
│ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
Article 7
[LOG] → HouseholdTaxIndividualComputation.direct
[LOG] ≔ HouseholdTaxIndividualComputation.direct.
input: HouseholdTaxIndividualComputation_in { -- individual_in: Individual { -- income: $15,000.00 -- number_of_children: 0 } -- overseas_territories_in: false -- current_date_in: 1999-01-01 }
[LOG] ☛ Definition applied:
─➤ tutorial.catala_en
│ definition household_tax equals
│ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
Article 7
[LOG] ≔ HouseholdTaxIndividualComputation.household_tax: $10,000.00
[LOG] → IncomeTaxComputation.direct
[LOG] ☛ Definition applied:
─➤ tutorial.catala_en
│ definition income_tax_computation.current_date equals
│ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
Article 8
[LOG] ☛ Definition applied:
─➤ tutorial.catala_en
│ definition income_tax_computation.individual equals
│ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
Article 8
[LOG] ☛ Definition applied:
─➤ tutorial.catala_en
│ definition income_tax_computation.overseas_territories equals
│ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
Article 8
[LOG] ≔ IncomeTaxComputation.direct.
input: IncomeTaxComputation_in { -- current_date_in: 1999-01-01 -- individual_in: Individual { -- income: $15,000.00 -- number_of_children: 0 } -- overseas_territories_in: false }
[LOG] ☛ Definition applied:
─➤ tutorial.catala_en
│ current_date < |2000-01-01|
│ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
Article 2 (old version before 2000)
[LOG] ≔ IncomeTaxComputation.tax_rate: 0.2
[LOG] ☛ Definition applied:
─➤ tutorial.catala_en
│ definition income_tax equals
│ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
Article 1
[LOG] ≔ IncomeTaxComputation.income_tax: $3,000.00
[LOG] ☛ Definition applied:
─➤ tutorial.catala_en
│ income_tax_computation scope IncomeTaxComputation
│ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
Article 7
[LOG] ≔ IncomeTaxComputation.direct.
output: IncomeTaxComputation { -- income_tax: $3,000.00 }
[LOG] ← IncomeTaxComputation.direct
[LOG] ≔ HouseholdTaxIndividualComputation.
income_tax_computation: IncomeTaxComputation { -- income_tax: $3,000.00 }
[LOG] ☛ Definition applied:
─➤ tutorial.catala_en
│ definition deduction equals
│ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
Article 8
[LOG] ≔ HouseholdTaxIndividualComputation.deduction: $3,000.00
[LOG] ☛ Definition applied:
─➤ tutorial.catala_en
│ output of HouseholdTaxIndividualComputation with {
│ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
│ -- individual: individual
│ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
│ -- overseas_territories: overseas_territories
│ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
│ -- current_date: current_date
│ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
│ }
│ ‾
Article 7
[LOG] ≔ HouseholdTaxIndividualComputation.direct.
output: HouseholdTaxIndividualComputation { -- household_tax: $10,000.00 -- deduction: $3,000.00 }
[LOG] ← HouseholdTaxIndividualComputation.direct
[LOG] → HouseholdTaxIndividualComputation.direct
[LOG] ≔ HouseholdTaxIndividualComputation.direct.
input: HouseholdTaxIndividualComputation_in { -- individual_in: Individual { -- income: $80,000.00 -- number_of_children: 2 } -- overseas_territories_in: false -- current_date_in: 1999-01-01 }
[LOG] ☛ Definition applied:
─➤ tutorial.catala_en
│ definition household_tax equals
│ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
Article 7
[LOG] ≔ HouseholdTaxIndividualComputation.household_tax: $20,000.00
[LOG] → IncomeTaxComputation.direct
[LOG] ☛ Definition applied:
─➤ tutorial.catala_en
│ definition income_tax_computation.current_date equals
│ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
Article 8
[LOG] ☛ Definition applied:
─➤ tutorial.catala_en
│ definition income_tax_computation.individual equals
│ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
Article 8
[LOG] ☛ Definition applied:
─➤ tutorial.catala_en
│ definition income_tax_computation.overseas_territories equals
│ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
Article 8
[LOG] ≔ IncomeTaxComputation.direct.
input: IncomeTaxComputation_in { -- current_date_in: 1999-01-01 -- individual_in: Individual { -- income: $80,000.00 -- number_of_children: 2 } -- overseas_territories_in: false }
[LOG] ☛ Definition applied:
─➤ tutorial.catala_en
│ individual.number_of_children >= 2
│ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
Article 3
[LOG] ≔ IncomeTaxComputation.tax_rate: 0.15
[LOG] ☛ Definition applied:
─➤ tutorial.catala_en
│ definition income_tax equals
│ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
Article 1
[LOG] ≔ IncomeTaxComputation.income_tax: $12,000.00
[LOG] ☛ Definition applied:
─➤ tutorial.catala_en
│ income_tax_computation scope IncomeTaxComputation
│ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
Article 7
[LOG] ≔ IncomeTaxComputation.direct.
output: IncomeTaxComputation { -- income_tax: $12,000.00 }
[LOG] ← IncomeTaxComputation.direct
[LOG] ≔ HouseholdTaxIndividualComputation.
income_tax_computation: IncomeTaxComputation { -- income_tax: $12,000.00 }
[LOG] ☛ Definition applied:
─➤ tutorial.catala_en
│ definition deduction equals
│ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
Article 8
[LOG] ≔ HouseholdTaxIndividualComputation.deduction: $12,000.00
[LOG] ☛ Definition applied:
─➤ tutorial.catala_en
│ output of HouseholdTaxIndividualComputation with {
│ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
│ -- individual: individual
│ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
│ -- overseas_territories: overseas_territories
│ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
│ -- current_date: current_date
│ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
│ }
│ ‾
Article 7
[LOG] ≔ HouseholdTaxIndividualComputation.direct.
output: HouseholdTaxIndividualComputation { -- household_tax: $20,000.00 -- deduction: $12,000.00 }
[LOG] ← HouseholdTaxIndividualComputation.direct
[LOG] ≔ HouseholdTaxComputation.
shares_of_household_tax: [HouseholdTaxIndividualComputation { -- household_tax: $10,000.00 -- deduction: $3,000.00 }; HouseholdTaxIndividualComputation { -- household_tax: $20,000.00 -- deduction: $12,000.00 }]
[LOG] ☛ Definition applied:
─➤ tutorial.catala_en
│ definition household_tax
│ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
Article 7
[LOG] ≔ HouseholdTaxComputation.household_tax#base: $30,000.00
[LOG] ☛ Definition applied:
─➤ tutorial.catala_en
│ definition total_deduction
│ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
Article 8
[LOG] ≔ HouseholdTaxComputation.total_deduction#base: $15,000.00
[LOG] ☛ Definition applied:
─➤ tutorial.catala_en
│ definition total_deduction
│ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
Article 9
[LOG] ≔ HouseholdTaxComputation.total_deduction#capped: $8,500.00
[LOG] ☛ Definition applied:
─➤ tutorial.catala_en
│ definition household_tax
│ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
Article 8
[LOG] ≔ HouseholdTaxComputation.household_tax#deduction: $21,500.00
[LOG] ☛ Definition applied:
─➤ tutorial.catala_en
│ output of HouseholdTaxComputation with {
│ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
│ -- individuals:
│ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
│ [ Individual {
│ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
│ -- income: $15,000
│ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
│ -- number_of_children: 0
│ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
│ } ;
│ ‾‾‾
│ Individual {
│ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
│ -- income: $80,000
│ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
│ -- number_of_children: 2
│ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
│ } ]
│ ‾‾‾
│ -- overseas_territories: false
│ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
│ -- current_date: |1999-01-01|
│ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
│ }
│ ‾
[LOG] ≔ HouseholdTaxComputation.direct.
output: HouseholdTaxComputation { -- household_tax: $21,500.00 }
[LOG] ← HouseholdTaxComputation.direct
[LOG] ≔ TestHousehold.computation: HouseholdTaxComputation { -- household_tax: $21,500.00 }
Inspecting the trace reveals the structure of the computation that matches closely the legal reasonning we did just above to compute the test output manually. With this powerful tool, it is possible to debug and maintain Catala programs at scale.
Congratulations for finishing the Catala tutorial! This section has not presented features that are unique to Catala, unlike the exceptions from the previous section. Rather, in Catala we use the classic software engineering techniques from functional programming to split the code into multiple functions that call each other at the right level of abstraction, with the goal to keep the code close where it is specified in the law. There are various ways to express something in Catala, but the proximity between the code and the legal specification should be the proxy for what is the idiomatic way to do things.
Refactoring the Catala code continuously as new legal requirements are added or updated is the key to maintaining the codebase efficiently over the long term, and avoiding the spaghetti code that is common when translating law to code. We hope this tutorial put you on the right track for your journey into Catala and the wonderful world of safely and faithfully automating legal provisions.
We encourage you to read the next chapters of this book to continue learning how to use Catala, as the tutorial is not set in a real-world software development projet setup, and misses a lot of tips about coding in Catala but also interacting with lawyers.
Recap of the current section
Recap of the current section
For reference, here is the final version of the Catala code consolidated at the end of this section of the tutorial.
declaration structure Individual:
data income content money
data number_of_children content integer
declaration scope IncomeTaxComputation:
input current_date content date
input individual content Individual
input overseas_territories content boolean
internal tax_rate content decimal
output income_tax content money
## Article 1
The income tax for an individual is defined as a fixed percentage of the
individual's income over a year.
scope IncomeTaxComputation:
definition income_tax equals
individual.income * tax_rate
## Article 2 (old version before 2000)
The fixed percentage mentioned at article 1 is equal to 20 %.
scope IncomeTaxComputation:
label article_2
definition tax_rate under condition
current_date < |2000-01-01|
consequence equals 20%
## Article 2 (new version after 2000)
The fixed percentage mentioned at article 1 is equal to 21 % %.
scope IncomeTaxComputation:
# Simply use the same label "article_2" as the previous definition to group
# them together
label article_2
definition tax_rate under condition
current_date >= |2000-01-01|
consequence equals 21%
## Article 3
If the individual is in charge of 2 or more children, then the fixed
percentage mentioned at article 1 is equal to 15 %.
scope IncomeTaxComputation:
label article_3 exception article_2
definition tax_rate under condition
individual.number_of_children >= 2
consequence equals 15%
## Article 4
Individuals earning less than $10,000 are exempted of the income tax mentioned
at article 1.
scope IncomeTaxComputation:
label article_4 exception article_3
definition tax_rate under condition
individual.income <= $10,000
consequence equals 0%
## Article 5
Individuals earning more than $100,000 are subjects to a tax rate of
30%, regardless of their number of children.
scope IncomeTaxComputation:
label article_5 exception article_3
definition tax_rate under condition
individual.income > $100,000
consequence equals 30%
## Article 6
In the overseas territories, the tax rate for individuals earning
more than $100,000 specified at article 5 is reduced to 25 %.
scope IncomeTaxComputation:
label article_6 exception article_5
definition tax_rate under condition
individual.income > $100,000 and overseas_territories
consequence equals 25%
## Article 7
When several individuals live together, they are collectively subject to
the household tax. The household tax owed is $1000 per individual of the household,
and half the amount per children.
declaration scope HouseholdTaxComputation:
input individuals content list of Individual
input overseas_territories content boolean
input current_date content date
internal shares_of_household_tax
content list of HouseholdTaxIndividualComputation
internal total_deduction content money
state base
state capped
output household_tax content money
state base
state deduction
declaration scope HouseholdTaxIndividualComputation:
input individual content Individual
input overseas_territories content boolean
input current_date content date
income_tax_computation scope IncomeTaxComputation
output household_tax content money
output deduction content money
scope HouseholdTaxIndividualComputation:
definition household_tax equals
$10000 * (1.0 + decimal of individual.number_of_children / 2.0)
scope HouseholdTaxComputation:
definition shares_of_household_tax equals
output of HouseholdTaxIndividualComputation with {
-- individual: individual
-- overseas_territories: overseas_territories
-- current_date: current_date
for individual among individuals
definition household_tax
state base
sum money
of share_of_household_tax.household_tax
for share_of_household_tax among shares_of_household_tax
## Article 8
The amount of income tax paid by each individual can be deducted from the
share of household tax owed by this individual.
scope HouseholdTaxIndividualComputation:
definition income_tax_computation.individual equals
definition income_tax_computation.overseas_territories equals
definition income_tax_computation.current_date equals
definition deduction equals
if income_tax_computation.income_tax > household_tax then household_tax
scope HouseholdTaxComputation:
definition total_deduction
state base
sum money
of share_of_household_tax.deduction
for share_of_household_tax among shares_of_household_tax
definition household_tax
state deduction
if total_deduction > household_tax then $0
else household_tax - total_deduction
## Article 9
The deduction granted at article 8 is capped at $8,500 for the whole household.
scope HouseholdTaxComputation:
definition total_deduction
state capped
if total_deduction > $8,500 then $8,500 else total_deduction
## Test
declaration scope Test:
output computation content IncomeTaxComputation
scope Test:
definition computation equals
output of IncomeTaxComputation with {
-- individual:
Individual {
-- income: $20,000
-- number_of_children: 0
-- overseas_territories: false
-- current_date: |1999-01-01|
declaration scope TestHousehold:
output computation content HouseholdTaxComputation
scope TestHousehold:
definition computation equals
output of HouseholdTaxComputation with {
-- individuals:
[ Individual {
-- income: $15,000
-- number_of_children: 0
} ;
Individual {
-- income: $80,000
-- number_of_children: 2
} ]
-- overseas_territories: false
-- current_date: |1999-01-01|